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"That is Lloyd Yokum. Lloyd Yokum is the son of "Fireball" Yokum of the Kansas City Monarchs and of Miss Effie Yokum, who was the daughter of slaves. Both "Fireball" and Effie Yokum were the children of slaves and they lived in this town."

Ceramic coffee cup shaped like a sterotypical "Mammy." Handle is designed like an arm reaching up to hold something. Face and hand are painted black, handle and top of creams painted red. White on "cuff" of handle and at bottom of creamer.

Unknown man, photograph from the estate of Olivia Murray of Ash Grove, Missouri.

Unknown candid photos of men working as Pullman Porters and on the railroads, from the collection of Glenn Johnson.

"That is a picture of my great-uncle Ellis, that was taken in World War I. He is the oldest son of William and Caroline Berry."

Unknown candid photos of men working as Pullman Porters and on the railroads, from the collection of Glenn Johnson.

"That's William Berry, my great grandfather, who built the house that I live in, in 1873. He was born in 1849 and died 1917."

"That is a brother of Miss Olivia Murray and that picture was taken in Dayton, OH, in front of their family house."
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